To Baltimore Biotech Firm Author: FRANKLIN HOKE
After a long career with the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), biomedical engineer Stephen L. Gordon, 51, has become vice president for advanced technology development at Osiris Therapeutics Inc., a Baltimore-based biotechnology company. Gordon was chief of the musculoskeletal diseases branch for more than 17 years, and, just prior to his move, served as acting director for the institute's extramural research programs.
At Osiris, Gordon hopes to use his experience with the extramural research community to help identify investigators with whom company scientists can collaborate to advance the 29-employee, privately held firm's human mesenchymal stem cell therapeutics. Gordon notes that, in his position at NIAMS, he developed relationships with a great many of the investigators in relevant fields.
"I think I know which ones we can make successful alliances with, which ones have certain things we need but ...