Aga2-fusion protein binding to yeast cell by Aga1. Image provided by Invitrogen.
Phage display systems, reviewed in a recent issue of The Scientist,1 have proven enormously useful for the detection of protein-ligand interactions, as well as for the selection of variants with altered binding characteristics. However, limiting the utility of phage display systems are so-called expression biases against certain eukaryotic proteins, as well as the distinctly different protein processing mechanisms in prokaryotes as compared to eukaryotes. Invitrogen has introduced the pYD1 Yeast Display Vector Kit, which avoids both these problems and provides an alternative, easy screening method for peptide-ligand interactions. Based on the work of Eric Boder and Dane Wittrup (University of Illinois, Urbana), and offered for research purposes only under license from the University of Illinois, the Invitrogen yeast display system is centered around the vector pYD1, with which fusion proteins can be made to the membrane-associated alpha-agglutinin yeast ...