It is not the presidential contest between Vice President Bush and Governor Dukakis, nor is it any widely publicized, high-profile battle for governor or senator in a major state—contests that might be expected to receive the attention of the national media. Rather, it is a primary race for the U.S. Senate, as yet unnoticed by the national press, in the nation's smallest state, Delaware.
Delaware's Lieutenant Governor S.B. (Shien-Biau) Woo is seeking the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate in the state's primary on September 10. If he defeats his opponent (and at this writing the polls have Woo ahead), the Lieutenant Governor will then face incumbent Sen. Bifi Roth, a Republican, in the November general election. Without discussing the merits of the candidate himself (which are many), I would say that Woo's bid for a Senate seat is worthy of notice by the scientific community for at least two ...