Technical Support Software Inc.
72 Kent Street
Brookline, MA 02146
(617) 734-4130
Price: $475
Requirements:128K RAM, DOS 2.0 or
later, color or monochrome graphics
Exact is better described as a text formatting language program than a word processor. In fact, it is intended to be used to augment your favorite word processing software to provide enhanced mathematical and scientific formatting capabilities.
Exact does not have menus or editing functions, and its “what you see is what you get”
(WYSIWYG) display only can be accessed in the edit mode. It uses a command language to control the character formatting of docu ments. Formatting commands are entered as text with a word processor or text editor.
Exact is loaded prior to running a word processor. Its commands do not take effect until you print your document, at which time it filters all subsequent output. Exact is resident in memory and, as ...