PHYSIOLOGY: Auditory Cortex. $1,894,000 over three years from NIH to University of California, Irvine; L. Kitzes
NEUROSCIENCE: Growth factors or other trophic factors in brain injury. $25,000 from Toyota USA Foundation to University of California, San Francisco; F.M. Longo, WC. Mobley
Molecular and developmental neuroscience and computational neuroscience. $375,000 from Del E. Webb Foundation to Caltech
Interaction of neurons in information processing. $50,000 from Joseph Drown Foundation to Caltech; J.M. Bower
Molecular neuroscience. $65,000 from Joseph Drown Foundation to Caltoch; H.A. Lester
BIOTECHNOLOGY: The North Carolina Biotechnology Center made the following grants: Improvement in finfish cultivation via improved Feeds. $40,000 to Biosponge Aquaculture Products Co.; D. Rittschof
Novel delivery system to insert foreign genes into poultry. $50,000 to Embrex; T.L. Fredericksen
Novel anti-tumor drug discovery program. $153,468 to Sphinx Biotechnologies; C.R. Loomis
Establishment of a digital video-microscopy core facility. $60,000 to Duke University Comprehensive Cancer Center D.O. Adams
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