It's the first day of voting today in Iowa, and a perfect time to talk So says a linkurl:group of scientists; who have joined Sciencedebate2008, now urging the candidates for US president to linkurl:debate their stance; on the environment, medicine, and science policy. This debate is vital, they argue, "given the many linkurl:urgent scientific and technological challenges; facing America and the rest of the world, the increasing need for accurate scientific information in political decision making, and the vital role scientific innovation plays in spurring economic growth and competitiveness," according to a statement on their Web site. Members of Sciencedebate2008 include Nobel laureates Peter Agre, David Baltimore, and Steve Chu, along with former science advisors to the president Neil Lane and John Gibbons. There are also university presidents, and the editors of both Science and Nature, among others. If you recognize some of the names, that's because many...

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