The Art of Scientific Computing.
William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukoisky and William I. Vetterling.
Cambridge University Press, New York, 1986. 838pp., illus. $39.50.
Example Book (FORTRAN), 187 pp. Paper, $ 18.95.
Example Book (Pascal), 246 pp. Paper, $18.95.
FORTRAN and Pascal diskettes, $19.95 each.
The use of computers is becoming a larger and larger part of the working life of most scientists. 'Twenty years ago obtaining numerical solutions was an arduous task usually carried out on large centralized computing systems. These tended to be equipped with rigid and complex operating systems designed to defeat the uninitiated. Modern supercomputer installations still retain a certain macho indifference to the comfort of the user, but scientific computing is now primarily done on smaller systems tailored to the needs of individual researchers or research groups.
Many scientists work with personal computers in their offices or homes. For modest ...