Selected Companies Providing Used or Refurbished Lab Equipment
Selected Companies Providing Used or Refurbished Lab Equipment (Continued)
For scientists who are unfamiliar with the secondary market for lab equipment, the prospect of buying a used centrifuge or thermal cycler conjures up images of fast-talking salesmen and broken-down instrumentation strung together with duct tape and paper clips.
Fearful of high-pressure tactics disguised in polyester and snake skin boots, many scientists instead rely on brand new products from brand name companies. The sense of security people get from Styrofoam popcorn and plastic bubbles is a phenomenon that is particularly widespread in the United States, where the disposable culture has forged mountains of refuse and valleys of garbage. Many Americans feel it their patriotic duty to impale themselves on the sword of "new and improved."
Indeed, the thrill of breaking-in virgin equipment, however, can quickly turn to disappointment. Frequently, new products that are ...