Selling Scientific and Technical
Products and Services. Michael P.
Wynne. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ, 1987. 250 pp. $24.95.
This catchy title refers to a broad range of scientific and industrial products and services, and the book is aimed at the people who sell them. Michael Wynne, an interna- tional management consultant, offers advice on the various stages of the sales process: making contacts, identifying and offering solutions to customers’ problems, closing a sale and following up. The goal is to help the salesperson “establish control and keep the sale moving and on track.” Many scientists will regard this book with the interest a trout would have in a text on fly fishing. But we all deal with technical salespeople, with mutual benefit, and Wynne has much to say about their work. A salesperson following his advice will be mindful of many things beyond the technical merits of the product line. ...