M. Trupp, E. Arenas, M. Fainzilber, A.S. Nilsson, B.A. Sieber, M. Grigoriou, C. Kilkenny, E. Salazar-Grueso, V. Pachnis, U. Arumäe, H. Sariola, M. Saarma, C.F. Ibáñez, "Functional receptor for GDNF encoded by the c-ret proto-oncogene," Nature, 381:785-9, 1996. (Cited in more than 180 papers since publication)
Comments by Miles Trupp, a postdoctoral associate at the University of California at San Francisco
For many years, researchers had been searching for a factor that could prevent cell death in dopamine-producing neurons, an event associated with Parkinson's disease.
"...many academic and pharmaceutical labs had been hunting for the factor..." --Miles Trupp In 1993--just as Miles Trupp arrived to begin doctoral studies with Carlos F. Ibáñez, professor of molecular neurobiology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden--a paper appeared identifying glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) as such a factor. "I was fortunate enough to begin my doctoral studies in a laboratory with an extremely strong ...