PE Applied Biosystems
PE offers primers and probes for PCR, TaqMan and sequence detection, GeneScan, linkage mapping and custom sequencing applications. The Custom services offered are:
Cruachem's custom DNA and RNA synthesis service offers a comprehensive list of 104 modifications for DNA and RNA oligonucleotides, including 5 ´ -biotinylation, 5 ´ -fluorescein, triple DNP labeling, and S-oligos at up to 1 mmole scale. The company is actively involved in the research and development of second generation anti- sense oligos and labels to satisfy ever-evolving needs. Oligos are supplied desalted or at different levels of purification to meet specific project requirements: PAGE for oligos above 50 bases and for modified oligos; HPLC for >95% purity of modified oligos; and COP for 90-95% purity, suitable for most applications.
Cruachem's custom RNA service uses two different chemistries, and with targeted ion exchange, can supply RNA oligos at >95% purity. In ...