The medical benefits long promised from the field of nanotechnology should begin revolutionizing the way disease is diagnosed by 2010, according to an independent study commissioned by the Swiss government.
The Centre for Technology Assessment, TA-SWISS, asked 70 experts from the Unites States and Europe to give their views on where nanotechnology research is now and where it might be in 10 to 20 years' time.
The experts forecast that nanotechnology will lead to more efficient medical diagnosis as early as 2010. “Diagnosis will be quicker, earlier, and much more accurate; that is what the experts believe,” Marcel Indermühle, TA-SWISS nanotechnology project co-coordinator, told
On the other hand, the experts predict that using nanotechnology to treat illnesses could still be more than a decade away. It will also be restricted to specific illnesses, such as cancer and viral infections.
The study by TA-SWISS also addressed fears...