A synthetic vaccine for Helicobacter pylori designed by a team of undergraduate linkurl:students from Slovenia;http://2008.igem.org/Team:Slovenia took the grand prize this weekend at iGEM, the student synthetic biology competition organized by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "We wanted to make something with medical potential in the very near future," the team said in a presentation of their work yesterday (November 9). iGEM, the International Genetically Modified Machines competition, was launched five years ago. The idea was to set undergraduates (and in some cases, high school students) to work on answering a question: Can simple biological systems be built from a specific set of biological parts and operate in living cells, or is biology just too complex to be synthesized? Judging by the fruits of the labors of the 84 teams competing this year, with participants from as far afield as Warsaw, Mexico and Taiwan, the answer is yes, at...
E. coliH. pyloriH. pylori'sH. pyloriH. pylori vaccineThe ScientistHelicobacter pyloriThe Scientist
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