Octopod Sailors, 300 BC–present
Octopod Sailors, 300 BC–present
Lore has always surrounded argonauts, pelagic octopuses that build shells and travel the seas.
Octopod Sailors, 300 BC–present
Octopod Sailors, 300 BC–present

Lore has always surrounded argonauts, pelagic octopuses that build shells and travel the seas.

Lore has always surrounded argonauts, pelagic octopuses that build shells and travel the seas.

ancient greece

Underwater “City” Built by Microbes
Catherine Offord | Jun 7, 2016 | 1 min read
Columns and pavement-like structures found in the Ionian Sea were built by bacteria.
Aristotelian Biology
Armand Marie Leroi | Sep 1, 2014 | 3 min read
The ancient Greek philosopher was the first scientist.
Book Excerpt from The Lagoon
Armand Marie Leroi | Aug 31, 2014 | 4 min read
Author Armand Marie Leroi reminisces about the shells that sparked his love of science.