Changes in Height Linked to Increased C-section Rates
Changes in Height Linked to Increased C-section Rates
Countries with populations whose average adult height grew late last century are more likely to have high rates of babies delivered surgically.
Changes in Height Linked to Increased C-section Rates
Changes in Height Linked to Increased C-section Rates

Countries with populations whose average adult height grew late last century are more likely to have high rates of babies delivered surgically.

Countries with populations whose average adult height grew late last century are more likely to have high rates of babies delivered surgically.

birth weight

Study: Fracking Linked to Low Birth Weight in Newborns
Katarina Zimmer | Dec 14, 2017 | 2 min read
Scientist find that living near a hydraulic fracturing site for gas and oil extraction could have adverse effects on infant health. 
Why Have Twins?
Jef Akst | Aug 11, 2011 | 2 min read
Mothers more likely to have twins have heavier, healthier non-twin babies, possibly explaining why twinning evolved.