The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says some changes are already irreversible, and warns of even more dire ramifications if global carbon emissions aren’t reduced immediately.
A new study finds reductions in greenhouse gases are insufficient to substantially slow warming, and the authors argue that to continue the benefits of reduced emissions, policymakers will need to adopt green economic recovery strategies.
The movements of water within the ocean basins has been increasing in speed over the last 20 years, a new study shows, conflicting with prior models of climate change.
If greenhouse gas emissions are not curbed, the country’s economy, infrastructure, and health of its population will suffer, according to government scientists.
French President Emmanuel Macron awards millions of euros in research funding to climate scientists who will relocate from the U.S. and elsewhere to France.
In a memo to federal agencies, the administration highlights defense and security, leaves off Earth and climate science, and limits the scope of basic research.