A computer-generated brain encapsulated in an ice cube rests on a table
How Cold Affects the Brain
The brain works hard to keep the body warm in cold weather, but a drop in core temperature can cause troublesome chemical changes.
How Cold Affects the Brain
How Cold Affects the Brain

The brain works hard to keep the body warm in cold weather, but a drop in core temperature can cause troublesome chemical changes.

The brain works hard to keep the body warm in cold weather, but a drop in core temperature can cause troublesome chemical changes.

cold weather

A woman wearing a gray sweater and a bright orange scarf and hat blows her nose vaguely in the direction of the camera. A snowy landscape can be seen behind her.
How Cold Weather May Help You Catch a Cold
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Warm nasal cells mount stronger defenses against cold-causing coronaviruses and rhinoviruses than those exposed to cooler temperatures, an in vitro experiment finds.
illustration of blue coronavirus particles with snowflakes in the background
Is COVID-19 Seasonal?
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Nov 10, 2021 | 7 min read
While the weather isn’t currently the dominant factor driving SARS-CoV-2 transmission, experts say that in the future COVID-19 may become a disease of winter.
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Volunteers have been working around the clock to rescue the animals found stunned on the beach.