A California coyote above Santa Monica beach
Human Gut Bacteria Show Up in Urban Wildlife
The gut microbiomes of city-dwelling animals, including coyotes, lizards, and birds, show similarities to those found in humans who also live in urban environments.
Human Gut Bacteria Show Up in Urban Wildlife
Human Gut Bacteria Show Up in Urban Wildlife

The gut microbiomes of city-dwelling animals, including coyotes, lizards, and birds, show similarities to those found in humans who also live in urban environments.

The gut microbiomes of city-dwelling animals, including coyotes, lizards, and birds, show similarities to those found in humans who also live in urban environments.


DNA of Red Wolves, Once Gone from the Wild, Discovered in Texas Pack
Carolyn Wilke | Jan 14, 2019 | 2 min read
The wild population of the species was declared extinct almost 40 years ago, but now researchers have found their genes in a pack of canines near the Gulf coast.
The Breeds of Guard Dogs that Best Protect Livestock: Study
Jim Daley | Mar 12, 2018 | 2 min read
Preliminary results from a USDA study reveal that imported guard dogs outperform those traditionally used in the U.S. to fend off wolves and coyotes.