Common Cold Coronaviruses Tied to Less Severe COVID-19 Cases
Common Cold Coronaviruses Tied to Less Severe COVID-19 Cases
Outcomes in COVID-19 patients may be better in those recently infected with endemic coronaviruses. 
Common Cold Coronaviruses Tied to Less Severe COVID-19 Cases
Common Cold Coronaviruses Tied to Less Severe COVID-19 Cases

Outcomes in COVID-19 patients may be better in those recently infected with endemic coronaviruses. 

Outcomes in COVID-19 patients may be better in those recently infected with endemic coronaviruses. 


pre-existing immunity sars-cov-2 coronavirus covid-19 pandemic t cell antibodies cross-reactivity
Does the Common Cold Protect You from COVID-19?
Chris Baraniuk | Aug 4, 2020 | 4 min read
There are emerging signs that some people might have heightened protection against SARS-CoV-2, perhaps thanks to recent infection by other coronaviruses.