A person stands on top of a large pile of books, staring down upon another person far away on the ground.
“Extreme Inequality” Entrenched in Academic Hiring: Study
The United States gets roughly an eighth of its tenure-track professors from just five institutions, according to an analysis of nearly 300,000 faculty.
“Extreme Inequality” Entrenched in Academic Hiring: Study
“Extreme Inequality” Entrenched in Academic Hiring: Study

The United States gets roughly an eighth of its tenure-track professors from just five institutions, according to an analysis of nearly 300,000 faculty.

The United States gets roughly an eighth of its tenure-track professors from just five institutions, according to an analysis of nearly 300,000 faculty.


Pandemic May “Roll Back” Women’s Gains in STEMM: NASEM Report
Catherine Offord | Mar 10, 2021 | 2 min read
A National Academies study of COVID-19’s effect on academic researchers adds to the evidence that women’s careers have been particularly damaged by the global disruption.
Q&A: Study Quantifies LGBQ Representation in STEM Degrees, Jobs
Max Kozlov | Nov 18, 2020 | 7 min read
One of the first analyses of its kind finds a smaller proportion of men in same-sex couples earn STEM degrees than do men in heterosexual couples. It’s a different story for women.
gender imbalance stem science women researchers publications citations
Men Promote Scientific Findings More Effusively than Women Do
Lisa Winter | Dec 17, 2019 | 2 min read
Male researchers are more likely to describe their work in publications using positive superlatives than their female colleagues are, a habit tied to more citations.
a map showing the country of Uganda
Study of Ugandan Genomes Yields Novel Variants, Health Links
Shawna Williams | Oct 31, 2019 | 2 min read
The authors say their results demonstrate the global benefits of studying African genetics.
Study Topic Influences Funding Disparity for Black Scientists
Ashley Yeager | Oct 10, 2019 | 2 min read
A new analysis finds that black scientists tend to propose projects that have lower rates of funding from the National Institutes of Health than other fields.
STEM Profs’ Views on Intelligence May Affect Student Outcomes
Carolyn Wilke | Feb 15, 2019 | 2 min read
Students, especially racial minorities, tend to perform worse when professors believe intelligence is fixed
Women Maintain NIH Funding Similar to Men: Study
Kerry Grens | Jul 16, 2018 | 1 min read
Female PIs apply for fewer grants, but retain support once they get it.
Huge Gender Disparity in Cancer Research Funding in U.K.
Shawna Williams | May 16, 2018 | 1 min read
Men received both more and larger grants than women did, ending up with three times as much funding on average.
Surgery Studies Rarely Use Females
Kerry Grens | Aug 28, 2014 | 2 min read
An analysis of papers published in several surgical journals reveals an overwhelming reliance on male subjects and male-derived cells.