A three-dimensional cross-section of a head showing brain activity with blue highlights and yellow neural connections
Neuroscientists Dive into the Biology of Pain
Studies shed light on pain perception, placebo effect pathways, and how human stem cells can be used to model pain. 
Neuroscientists Dive into the Biology of Pain
Neuroscientists Dive into the Biology of Pain

Studies shed light on pain perception, placebo effect pathways, and how human stem cells can be used to model pain. 

Studies shed light on pain perception, placebo effect pathways, and how human stem cells can be used to model pain. 

drug use

Senior woman wearing a grey pullover sitting on a bed and holding her back.
Early Inflammation Protects Against Chronic Pain, Study Finds
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | May 12, 2022 | 3 min read
Human data and experiments in mice challenge the common use of anti-inflammatory drugs to treat pain.
vape pen and marijuana
Marijuana Unsafe During Pregnancy or Adolescence: Surgeon General
Nicoletta Lanese | Aug 30, 2019 | 2 min read
The federal government cautions that the drug can affect brain development in both teens and fetuses.
kratom opioid pregnancy
Is Kratom Safe During Pregnancy? Researchers Start to Investigate
Katarina Zimmer | Jul 26, 2019 | 8 min read
Recent reports of babies born with opioid withdrawal symptoms after their mothers used kratom during pregnancy have generated much concern about the medicinal herb.