EKG readout
The Circadian Rhythm of the Heart Rate
The sympathetic nervous system influences gene expression in the heart to regulate the day-night cycle of resting heart rate.
The Circadian Rhythm of the Heart Rate
The Circadian Rhythm of the Heart Rate

The sympathetic nervous system influences gene expression in the heart to regulate the day-night cycle of resting heart rate.

The sympathetic nervous system influences gene expression in the heart to regulate the day-night cycle of resting heart rate.

fight or flight

The balance of mind and body on a seesaw
Psychological Stress Distracts the Immune System from Fighting Infections
Jennifer Zieba, PhD | Aug 8, 2022 | 3 min read
Acute stress makes immune cells migrate immediately to the bone marrow, which prepares the body for injury at the expense of increasing infectious disease susceptibility.
GFP highlighting mouse neurons
Science Snapshot: How Brains Handle Surprise Parties
Lisa Winter | Jun 3, 2022 | 1 min read
When unexpected events occur, norepinephrine signals mouse brains to pay attention to key details.