the cover and two pages of the En Tibi herbarium
A Smiling Garden, 1558
An analysis of the En Tibi herbarium’s plants and handwriting has given clues to the identity of its maker.
A Smiling Garden, 1558
A Smiling Garden, 1558

An analysis of the En Tibi herbarium’s plants and handwriting has given clues to the identity of its maker.

An analysis of the En Tibi herbarium’s plants and handwriting has given clues to the identity of its maker.


Nest Herbs Encourage Starling Parents to Incubate Their Eggs
Ashley Yeager | Sep 1, 2018 | 4 min read
The presence of aromatic greens in with other building materials increased the time birds sat on their eggs, improving the health of the hatchlings.
Cholera Confusion, circa 1832
Dan Cossins | Feb 1, 2013 | 2 min read
As cholera first tore through the Europe in the mid-19th century, people tried anything to prevent the deadly disease. Then science stepped in.
Rethinking Herbal Medicine
Beth Marie Mole | Sep 10, 2012 | 3 min read
A phylogenetic study of traditional plant remedies could aid drug development.
Catherine Ulbricht | Jul 1, 2012 | 3 min read
Dietary supplements can have serious side effects when mixed with prescription drugs, but not all herb-drug interactions are bad.