Launched with a $172 million philanthropic donation and funds from the state of Victoria, the Melbourne-based research institute aims to construct drug discovery platforms to speed the introduction of new therapies.
The launch of the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability—the first new school at the university in 70 years—comes thanks to a $1.1 billion gift from a venture capitalist and his wife.
Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg are dedicating a further $3.4 billion to biomedical and human health research on top of $3 billion invested several years ago, the organization announced this week.
An investigation by Science reveals that charities’ investments support activities opposed to their own missions, such as human health and environmental protection.
With the largest private gift to a public college, the new facility aims to infuse the local economy with fresh opportunities, but returns on the investment are anything but guaranteed.
Meet the researcher/entrepreneur who started a nonprofit that seeks to solve the science behind a rare disease that threatens the life of her younger brother.