German Scientists Frequently Publish in Predatory Journals
German Scientists Frequently Publish in Predatory Journals
At least 5,000 of the country’s researchers have published their work on questionable platforms, often forking over exorbitant fees, a report finds.
German Scientists Frequently Publish in Predatory Journals
German Scientists Frequently Publish in Predatory Journals

At least 5,000 of the country’s researchers have published their work on questionable platforms, often forking over exorbitant fees, a report finds.

At least 5,000 of the country’s researchers have published their work on questionable platforms, often forking over exorbitant fees, a report finds.

publication fee

French Scientists Petition for Firm Stance Against Springer
Diana Kwon | Apr 11, 2018 | 1 min read
More than 2,000 signatories urge a national consortium of French academic institutions to refuse an increase in journal subscription fees.
Opinion: Understanding and Coping With Rising Publication Costs
M. Bishr Omary and Theodore S. Lawrence | Sep 1, 2017 | 6 min read
As article processing charges top $5,000 at some research journals, authors and institutions have means of negotiating better deals or finding less expensive options.