Drop in Infant Type 1 Diabetes Linked to Rotavirus Vaccination
Drop in Infant Type 1 Diabetes Linked to Rotavirus Vaccination
Results from an observational study find that the introduction of a routine vaccine in Australia coincided with a fall in the incidence of the autoimmune condition.
Drop in Infant Type 1 Diabetes Linked to Rotavirus Vaccination
Drop in Infant Type 1 Diabetes Linked to Rotavirus Vaccination

Results from an observational study find that the introduction of a routine vaccine in Australia coincided with a fall in the incidence of the autoimmune condition.

Results from an observational study find that the introduction of a routine vaccine in Australia coincided with a fall in the incidence of the autoimmune condition.


Rotavirus Vaccine’s Success Influenced By Gut Microbes
Abby Olena, PhD | Aug 8, 2018 | 3 min read
Antibiotics boost men’s responses to the oral rotavirus vaccine.
GM Rice Could Fight Diarrhea
Kate Yandell | Aug 13, 2013 | 1 min read
A genetically modified strain of rice produces an antibody that helps mice fight off rotaviruses.