Drawing of the three kinds of glycosylated cell surface biomolecules: glycoproteins, glycolipids, and now, glycoRNAs
Newly Discovered Glycosylated RNA Is All Over Cells: Study
Prior to a 2019 preprint, “glycoRNAs” weren’t known to exist. Now, the researchers who found them say they’re on lots of cells and may play a role in immune signaling.
Newly Discovered Glycosylated RNA Is All Over Cells: Study
Newly Discovered Glycosylated RNA Is All Over Cells: Study

Prior to a 2019 preprint, “glycoRNAs” weren’t known to exist. Now, the researchers who found them say they’re on lots of cells and may play a role in immune signaling.

Prior to a 2019 preprint, “glycoRNAs” weren’t known to exist. Now, the researchers who found them say they’re on lots of cells and may play a role in immune signaling.


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