masked teacher sitting on floor showing masked students something on a tablet
Does Science Support Lifting School Mask Mandates?
The CDC has given the OK to lift indoor mask mandates in much of the US, and a growing number of states no longer require face coverings in schools. But most experts agree that masks slow school spread of SARS-CoV-2, and whether now is the right time to allow teachers and students to unmask is a matter of debate.
Does Science Support Lifting School Mask Mandates?
Does Science Support Lifting School Mask Mandates?

The CDC has given the OK to lift indoor mask mandates in much of the US, and a growing number of states no longer require face coverings in schools. But most experts agree that masks slow school spread of SARS-CoV-2, and whether now is the right time to allow teachers and students to unmask is a matter of debate.

The CDC has given the OK to lift indoor mask mandates in much of the US, and a growing number of states no longer require face coverings in schools. But most experts agree that masks slow school spread of SARS-CoV-2, and whether now is the right time to allow teachers and students to unmask is a matter of debate.


Conference Linked to as Many as 300,000 COVID-19 Cases: Study
Lisa Winter | Dec 14, 2020 | 2 min read
Around 100 people were infected at a scientific meeting hosted by Biogen in Boston in February. Then they went back home, taking the virus with them.
biogen biobank coronavirus covid-19 sars-cov-2 pandemic superspreader superspreading event antibodies neutralizing titers
Biogen Uses its Own Superspreader Event to Aid COVID-19 Research
Claire Jarvis | May 19, 2020 | 3 min read
A blood biobank allows scientists to study the immune responses to the coronavirus among infected Biogen employees and their contacts.