
Book Excerpt from Finding the Mother Tree

Book Excerpt from Tree Story

Opinion: Tree Rings as Soothsayers

Smells of Nature Lower Physiological Stress

Image of the Day: Changing Forests

Image of the Day: Tree Hugger

Earth Has Room For 1 Trillion More Trees

Trees Tested as Pollutant Traps

A Mysterious Disease Is Killing Beech Trees

Microplastics Build Up in Human Organs, Especially the Brain
New research uncovered an alarming accumulation of plastic particles in human brains, raising concerns about their potential role in neurodegenerative disease.

How Are Earwax and Body Odor Linked?
A single gene controls earwax and body odor, shaping one’s unique scent through microbes.

How Does the Gut Immune System Distinguish Between Friends and Foes?
Cell-cell interactions help drive tolerogenic or inflammatory responses to the maelstrom of antigens passing through the gut.

Freeze on NIH Grant Reviews Leaves Scientists Confused and Frustrated
An unprecedented federal ban on scientific meetings halts research progress, sparking widespread concern across the scientific community.

A Visual Guide to Lentiviral Gene Delivery
Learn how to overcome the challenges of viral transduction workflows.

Detecting Novel Viruses Using a Comprehensive Enrichment Panel
Learn how a target enrichment approach improves the discovery and characterization of viral pathogens.