Single-Celled Organism Appears to Make Decisions
Single-Celled Organism Appears to Make Decisions
The unicellular species Stentor roeseli performs a form of sequential decision-making to avoid irritating stimuli.
Single-Celled Organism Appears to Make Decisions
Single-Celled Organism Appears to Make Decisions

The unicellular species Stentor roeseli performs a form of sequential decision-making to avoid irritating stimuli.

The unicellular species Stentor roeseli performs a form of sequential decision-making to avoid irritating stimuli.

unicellular state

Single-Celled Life Primed to Go Multicellular
Bob Grant | Oct 17, 2016 | 2 min read
The unicellular ancestor of animals may have harbored some of the molecular tools that its many-celled descendants use to coordinate and direct cell differentiation and function, scientists show.
The Ever-Transcendent Cell
John S. Torday | Nov 1, 2014 | 6 min read
Deriving physiologic first principles