Patients Try Most Intuitive Hand Prosthetics Yet in Pilot Trial
Patients Try Most Intuitive Hand Prosthetics Yet in Pilot Trial
Researchers and clinicians make small muscle grafts into the arms of amputees to amplify the signals from their peripheral nerves, which then direct the movement of a robotic hand.
Patients Try Most Intuitive Hand Prosthetics Yet in Pilot Trial
Patients Try Most Intuitive Hand Prosthetics Yet in Pilot Trial

Researchers and clinicians make small muscle grafts into the arms of amputees to amplify the signals from their peripheral nerves, which then direct the movement of a robotic hand.

Researchers and clinicians make small muscle grafts into the arms of amputees to amplify the signals from their peripheral nerves, which then direct the movement of a robotic hand.

upper-limb prostheses

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