1. How cilia talk» Primary (non-motile) cilia use membrane proteins in their role as a coordinator of the cell’s signaling pathways. New findings show how a cilium retains those membrane proteins—a barrier at its base made up of proteins called septins.
Q. Hu et al., Science, 329:436-39, 2010. Evaluated by Y. Barral, ETH; M. Wirschell & W. Sale, Emory; H. Folsch, Northwestern; Y. Yamashita, U Mich; M. Bettencourt-Dias, IGC; S. Feng & W. Guo, U Penn; M. Labouesse, CNRS; J. Axelrod, Stanford. Free F1000 Evaluation
2. To stent or not?» A large randomized trial demonstrates that stenting and surgical clearing of arteries are safe and equally effective ways of treating the narrowing of the carotid arteries, called stenosis.
T.G. Brott et al., N Engl J Med, 363:11-23, 2010. Evaluated by P. Pagel & C. J. Zablocki, VA Med Cen; P. Newfield, California Pac Med Cen; B. Norrving, Lund Univ Hosp; ...