At its annual meeting in June, the Iondon-based Royal Society elected one new fellow and six new foreign members. Also at the meeting, the Council of the Society announced the recipients of its medals and honors for 1988.
In honor of her contributions to the history of contemporary science, Margaret Gowing was elected a fellow of the society. Cowing, a specialist on the implications of atomic energy in Britain and the person responsible for establishing the Contemporary Scientific Archives Center at Oxford, currently is working on her fourth book, Interdependence Regained: Britain and Atomic Energy 1952-58.
New foreign members elected to the Royal Society are: Vladimir Igorevich Arnol'd, Moscow University professor of mathematics, whose research of dynamical systems, the hydrodynamic stability of inviscid fluids, and the singularity of smooth maps has made him an authority and leading contributor in these areas; Christian de Duve, president of the International Institute...