With efficiencies near 100% and the ability to transduce virtually every cell type of interest, lentiviral vectors are the superstars of gene delivery. In the past, researchers made their own vectors or bought them off the shelf. Now, Baltimore, Md.-based Lentigen offers another option. Using the company's online LentiDesign™ tool - available at https://lentigen.com/products/custom/design - researchers can specify not only the gene or gene-silencing sequence, but also the promoter, reporter, envelope pseudotype and other elements of their desired vector.
"Each researcher has a unique requirement," says Lentigen's founder and CEO Boro Dropulic. "Lentigen aims to fill that requirement by offering tailor-made lentiviral vectors." Pricing starts at $2,450, and each additional cloning step costs $1,000. Their step-by-step design tool helps researchers avoid common mistakes in design and manufacture, says Dropulic. "Researchers need not become expert vectorologists to have access to high titer lentiviral vector preparations," he adds. "Lentigen does that work ...