Lotus Development Corp.
55 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02142
(617) 577-8500
Price: $495
Requirements: 512K RAM, hard disk,
DOS 2.0 or later
Manuscript is a technical word processor capable of handling anything from a short memo to an entire book. Although it lacks “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) capabilities, it is full of features that let you combine graphics and text on the same page easily, import data from 1-2-3 and Symphony and format com plex scientific expressions.
Manuscript is well-suited for preparing technical documents or books. A fully integrated outline processor allows you to organize your document into a hierarchy of topics by sections or blocks. You can easily collapse or expand a document by level or section to examine its organization or to work on just one section as if it were an entire document.
Custom layout panels allow individual styling of a table of ...