Off The Cuff | What Question Would You Pose to a Dead Scientist?
To Marie Curie: Was the discovery of radiation significant enough to warrant your death by radiation toxicity?
--Susanne Courtney, Courtney Rainey Group, Toronto
To Élie Metchnikoff: Is it harder today to be an acknowledged and famous scientist than, let's say, 50-80 years ago?
--Roy A. Dalmo, Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø
To Charles Darwin: Now that you're dead and know whether there is life after death, do you still agree with your theory of evolution?
--Marian Blokpoel, Imperial College London
To Albert Einstein: Is it really possible to travel in time?
--Mario F. Muñoz-Guerra, University Hospital La Princesa, Madrid
To Aristotle: With regard to never doing physical experiments... what the hell were you thinking??
--Jefry Shields, Dow Chemical, San Diego, Calif.
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