Our latest Snapshot survey reveals that 347 of our readers spend an average of 52 hours per week working. The range is large, from a sweatshop level of 95 hours to an enviable 30.
Our readers spend their time on the predictable tasks, with performing experiments, writing, and reading requiring more than 50% of their time. However, some interesting juxtapositions pop up: While 37% say they spend more time planning experiments than they did five years ago, 55% say they spend less time actually doing them. Are graduate students making up the difference here?
On average, scientists are not getting busier: Although 41% say they are spending more hours at work now than they were five years ago, 21% says their hours have decreased, and the balance report no change.
Interestingly, the much-maligned task of grant application and administration is relegated to the "Other" category, occupying just 5% of our ...