AnimalBiome, the leading companion animal microbiome company, has selected Loop Genomics long-read 16S Microbiome kits to help it expand its microbiome testing capabilities to provide veterinarians with practical, clinically-actionable insights regarding the gut health of dogs and cats. Proactive management of the gut microbiome holds great potential to reduce the incidence of chronic illnesses, including Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Metabolic Syndrome, among others. In fact, more than 50% of pets will develop a condition associated with an imbalance in the microbiome in their lifetime.
By selecting the Loop Genomics’ technology AnimalBiome was able to leverage Illumina sequencing instruments to deliver long-read sequencing results at a fraction of the cost of most other systems with a much lower error rate.
AnimalBiome’s scientific team, led by founder Holly Ganz, PhD, has used Loop’s technology to deploy new testing protocols to characterize microbes that may be present in the microbiome and affecting a pet’s ...