The public’s interest in science has boomed in the last decade and science museums are proliferating in response. According to preliminary findings of an international study conducted by the Association of Science-Technology Centers, attendance at U.S. science centers grew 38% from 1979 to 1986. In addition, 16% of the 131 institutions responding said they had been founded within the past seven years. Even more indicative of the growth trend: four out of five respondents plan to expand or move to a new facility during the next five years.
Does the public know enough about biotechnology? Warren Hyer thinks not. Last month, Hyer founded the American Biotechnology Association to increase the public’s interest and involvement in the new technology. While Hyer has a biotech background—he has been a consultant to the Washington-based Association of Biotechnology Companies and he organized the first International Symposium on Large-scale Bioprocessing Safety in Washington last fall—he ...