Biacore offers instruments that identify biomolecular interactions and measure binding characteristics in real time.

Schematic of biomolecular interaction analysis by Biacore's affinity based biosensors.
Identifying and characterizing molecular interactions is becoming increasingly important in a number of areas of life science research. Membrane interactions between cells, ligand-receptor interactions involved with cell signaling, protein-protein interactions in signal transduction pathways, and drug-target interactions in pharmacology are just a few intensively studied areas. To facilitate these types of studies, Biacore offers a line of instruments that identifies novel biomolecular interactions and measures both kinetic and thermodynamic binding characteristics in real time. These instruments detect changes in the refractive index of a surface when molecules in a solution interact with molecules fixed to a surface.

The intensity and wavelength of light reflected off a metal surface with a thin film of solution on it is affected by the mass concentration of components at the...

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