Department of Computer Science
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pa.
" The Boyer-Moore string searching algorithm is a best choice for many problems in which a pattern of length m is to be matched in a text of length n, for small alphabets or long pattems. A recent paper exploits the-space-time trade-off to improve the algorithm’s speed by 50% for long patterns. Some experimental results -are presented that also indicate the effecfiveness of the modified algorithm for large English text databases.
R.A. Baeza-Yates, “Improved string searching,” Software— Practice and Experience, 19,257-71, March 1989. (University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
" For networks of computers, several measures of reliability and fault tolerance have been proposed. A new, global connectivity measure is defined that captures the intuition that a “good” network is more difficult to separate into large disjoint components than into small ones. It also highlights potential trouble spots ...