Topics for which the USDA is soliciting research proposals include: plant production and protection; animal production and protection; and food science and nutrition.
The USDA expects to make about 25 awards averaging $50,000 each.
Public Health Service (includes NIH): August 15, December 15 Topics for which the PHS is soliciting research proposals range from drug delivery systems to cancer treatments to the prevention of alcohol abuse.
This year, the Public Health Service expects to make about 300 awards averaging $50,000 each.
Federal High Tech ‘89 Conference on SBIR proposals for the National Science Foundation and the Department of Defense conference: October 5-6 in Philadelphia; October 26-27 in Phoenix Contact: (202) 357-7784
1988 Wisconsin SBIR Conference on writing more effective SBIR proposals: September 21 in Madison, Wis. Contact: University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Wisconsin Innovation Service Center, 402 McCutchan, Whitewater, Wis. 53190, (414)472-1365.
" For information oh the SBIR program, contact: Office ...