Office At NIEHS Date: November 23, 1992
In an effort to attract more minority students to careers in science-related fields, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) has established the Office of Institutional Development (OID). Marian Johnson-Thompson, a former biology professor at the University of the District of Columbia, has been named the office's first director.
Founded in August, OID, whose administration will be located in Research Triangle Park, N.C., will primarily be concerned with the education of, and opportunities for, minority high school, undergraduate, and graduate science students. Johnson-Thompson says she will guide the newly created office to become "more involved with activities that were previously not part of the general mandate of the institute; that is, the area of education.
"One aspect of the office is to go out into the community and focus on K through 12 science education, and develop programs in environmental health sciences," ...