DOD Help For Small Businesses
The Department of Defense's Small Business Innovation Research Program is preparing to fund about 1,300 Phase I awards for fiscal year 1990, covering a wide variety of research projects. Awards up to $50,000 each are available as seed capital for U.S. research firms that qualify as small businesses.
There are three phases of the SBIR awards. During the six months allotted for Phase I, awardees use grant money to develop a program proposal. Phase II awards of up to 24 months can subsequently be made to firms that have proved themselves during Phase I; the actual research will be done during Phase II. Upon reaching Phase III, the business should be able to attain nonfederal funding.
The application deadline for Phase I is July 2; decisions will be announced by Jan. 2, 1991. For a copy of the solicitation manual, contact the Defense Technical Information ...