The U.S. Army Research Office's Young Investigator Program offers three years of support to young university faculty members pursuing research projects relevant to Army interests. Eligible candidates must hold tenure-track positions at U.S. institutions and have received their doctoral degrees within five years of applying for the award. Research areas of interest include biotechnology, polymer chemistry, kinematics, atmospheric sciences, artificial intelligence, materials science, and condensed- matter physics.
Awards of up to $50,000 per year will be given to defray normal research costs. Candidates will be judged on the basis of research proposals they submit and the level of support their home institutions will provide. Such support may include release time to pursue research, salary, use of equipment, and support for graduate students.
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. For more information, contact the Director, U.S. Army Research Office, Attn.: SLCRO-IP-YIPP, 4300 S. Miami Blvd., P.O. Box 12211, Research Triangle ...