CRISPR screens in primary T lymphocytes have proved challenging, owing to complex issues around the introduction of the screening components and Cas9 in particular. Horizon has adapted its established CRISPRko (knockout) platform to address these issues and to deliver a robust screening platform in human T lymphocytes, which will enable complex biological processes, novel targets and more effective drug therapies to be investigated in a therapeutically relevant cell type.
Horizon has added CRISPRko screens in ex vivo T lymphocytes to its established CRISPR screening formats – CRISPRko, CRISPRi (interference) and CRISPRa (activation) – in cancer cell lines. The Company’s extension of its CRISPRko Screening Service strengthens its existing immuno-oncology platform and reinforces its commitment to supporting researchers working in this rapidly growing field of research.
Terry Pizzie, Chief Executive Officer, Horizon Discovery Group,commented:“The successful demonstration of primary human T cells in Horizon’s CRISPR screening platforms is a breakthrough format for ...