The articles listed below, all less than two years old, have received a substantially greater number of citations than others of the same type and vintage, according to data from the Science Citation Index of the Institute for Scientific Information, Philadelphia. Why have these research reports become such standouts? A comment following each reference, supplied to The Scientist by one of the authors, attempts to provide an answer.
L. Osborn, S. Kunkel, G.J. Nabel, "Tumor necrosis factor à and interleukin-1 stimulate the human immunodeficiency virus enhancer by activation of the nuclear factor kB," PNAS, 86, 2336-40, April 1989.
Gary J. Nabel (University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor): "Replication of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is affected by both cellular and viral genes. A major interest of our laboratory is the definition of cellular factors that contribute to the activation of HIV. We have shown previously that the nuclear factor-kB ...