As a veterinarian with more than 20 years of institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) experience, I wish to comment on your article (R. Finn, The Scientist, May 26, 1997, page 1).
I am perplexed by the statement by Harry Rozmiarek that "the research investigator is paying the bill." From a literal viewpoint, rarely if ever does the investigator pay for animal care and use. It is the public-through taxation for government-supported research, contributions to charitable foundations that fund research, and the purchase of drugs and other consumer products-that actually pays the bills.
Rozmiarek's statement does, however, underline the conflicts that veterinarians must face in serving on an IACUC or as a laboratory animal veterinarian. It should be noted that this is not a new situation, nor is it unique to the laboratory and classroom. Veterinarians have long been faced with the sometimes conflicting interests of...