Their Fields Author: Neeraja Sankaran
SIDEBAR: Technology Medalists
Life scientists whose work has shed new light on genetic disorders and the basic mechanisms and structure of RNA were prominent among the individuals President Clinton presented with the National Medals of Science on October 18. The medals-the United States' highest scientific honor-were given to seven men and one woman. The event also featured the awarding of the National Medal of Technology to three scientists and business executives, a research team, and two companies.
The studies of many of the various medalists have had a profound effect on the biomedical sciences, and a number of the medalists were present at and contributed to the dawn of their fields. Hailing from such varied disciplines as molecular biology, pure mathematics, psychology, astronomy, and electrical engineering, the science medal winners are:
Thomas Cech Hans Dehmelt Peter Goldreich
- Thomas R. Cech, Distinguished Professor of...