A protein's function depends on its movement inside a cell and interactions with other proteins and biological structures. Biologists who want to watch proteins working in living cells frequently turn to confocal microscopy. "Confocal microscopy is critical for modern cell biology and physiology," says Michael Nathanson of the Yale University School of Medicine. "Without exaggeration, it has revolutionized both of these fields, because it has allowed intracell-ular structures to be localized and intracellular events to be monitored in live cells that we have never been able to observe previously." Biologists can now observe more cellular detail than ever with the UltraVIEW RS, a new confocal microscope from Boston-based PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences.
MULTIDIMENSIONAL MICROSCOPY PerkinElmer advertises this new tool as "the first real-time six dimensional confocal microscope." If you wonder what six dimensions means, you are not alone. A small--admittedly unscientific--poll of confocal experts turned up no one who ...